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CT Clinic is the leading specialist in chronic pain management in Manchester.

Ammar Sawaf has recognised that the existing individual therapieswere unable to successfully treat many injuries. He developed his innovative total care system which combined the techniques of the four main therapies: Chiropractic treatment, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy and Acupuncture (COPA). The resulting COPA method achieves results beyond those possible by the four individual treatments.

When seventeen-year-old professional footballer, Ammar Sawafinjured his back, he never imagined that was the end of his promising career.As he sought treatment for the debilitating pain, he slowly realised that nobody had the skills necessary to cure him. Eventually, he had to face the hard truth. His days of professional football were over. Although heartbroken, instead of feeling sorry for himself, he decided to learn how he could help other people in the same position, transferring his enthusiasm for football, into a passion for treating people. Learning one technique wouldn’t be good enough, so he learned several over the next eleven years. He enrolled in a physiotherapy course, then when he graduated, worked with a Korean Professorlearning Chiropractic and Osteopathic techniques while treating 3,500 patients. His next stop was the UK, where he did a degree in acupuncture at Salford University.
All the while, he treated patients, improving his skills and learning which techniques worked on which injuries. He combined the methods he’d learnt to achieve results other practitioners could not. His reputation grew and ‘untreatable’ patients sought him out. Ammar welcomed them, relishing helping people who’d been unable to get relief from pain.
From this experience he evolved a system he calls Comprehensive Treatment (CT). When you attend CT Clinic, we examine every aspect which could be contributing to your pain. Injuries, posture, gait, as well as lifestyle, activities, inactivity and diet. You will then receive an individually tailored full treatment plan.

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